Nippon India Power & Infra Fund-Growth Plan -Growth Option

(Erstwhile Reliance Power & Infra Fund-Growth Plan -Growth Option)

Category: Equity: Sectoral-Infrastructure
Launch Date: 01-05-2004
Asset Class: Equity
Benchmark: NIFTY Infrastructure TRI
Expense Ratio: 1.83% As on (30-12-2024)
Status: Open Ended Schemes
Minimum Investment: 5000.0
Minimum Topup: 1000.0
Total Assets: 7,453.12 Cr As on (31-12-2024)
Turn over: 41%
NAV as on 14-01-2025


5.52 (1.7094%)

CAGR Since Inception


NIFTY Infrastructure TRI 11.86%

PERFORMANCE of Nippon India Power & Infra Fund-Growth Plan -Growth Option

Scheme Performance (%)

Data as on - 14-01-2025

Yearly Performance (%)

Fund Managers

Sanjay Doshi

Investment Objective

The scheme aims to generate consistent returns by investing in equity / equity related or fixed income securities of power and other companies associated with the power sector.

NAV & Lumpsum details( Invested amount 1,00,000)

Show All Monthly Lumpsum Returns
NAV Date NAV Units Market
08-05-2004 10.0 10000.0 100000 0.0 %
08-06-2004 9.5898 - 95898 -4.1 %
08-07-2004 9.753 - 97530 -2.47 %
09-08-2004 10.2397 - 102397 2.4 %
08-09-2004 10.6642 - 106642 6.64 %
08-10-2004 11.1164 - 111164 11.16 %
08-11-2004 11.3066 - 113066 13.07 %
08-12-2004 11.5754 - 115754 15.75 %
10-01-2005 12.3664 - 123664 23.66 %
08-02-2005 13.8252 - 138252 38.25 %
08-03-2005 15.3795 - 153795 53.8 %
08-04-2005 14.4047 - 144047 44.05 %
09-05-2005 15.0118 - 150118 50.12 %
08-06-2005 15.5979 - 155979 55.98 %
08-07-2005 16.482 - 164820 64.82 %
08-08-2005 18.7812 - 187812 87.81 %
08-09-2005 20.0095 - 200095 100.09 %
10-10-2005 20.1491 - 201491 101.49 %
08-11-2005 19.6273 - 196273 96.27 %
08-12-2005 22.2574 - 222574 122.57 %
09-01-2006 23.3576 - 233576 133.58 %
08-02-2006 25.6337 - 256337 156.34 %
08-03-2006 29.2772 - 292772 192.77 %
10-04-2006 31.1709 - 311709 211.71 %
08-05-2006 30.9924 - 309924 209.92 %
08-06-2006 21.7056 - 217056 117.06 %
10-07-2006 24.6888 - 246888 146.89 %
08-08-2006 25.4752 - 254752 154.75 %
08-09-2006 28.1465 - 281465 181.47 %
09-10-2006 30.3024 - 303024 203.02 %
08-11-2006 32.9284 - 329284 229.28 %
08-12-2006 36.8592 - 368592 268.59 %
08-01-2007 36.3182 - 363182 263.18 %
08-02-2007 38.3124 - 383124 283.12 %
08-03-2007 33.5635 - 335635 235.63 %
09-04-2007 35.0065 - 350065 250.06 %
08-05-2007 38.1185 - 381185 281.19 %
08-06-2007 40.693 - 406930 306.93 %
09-07-2007 45.1092 - 451092 351.09 %
08-08-2007 47.9948 - 479948 379.95 %
10-09-2007 50.895 - 508950 408.95 %
08-10-2007 59.0793 - 590793 490.79 %
08-11-2007 73.4103 - 734103 634.1 %
10-12-2007 78.029 - 780290 680.29 %
08-01-2008 85.7532 - 857532 757.53 %
08-02-2008 71.3652 - 713652 613.65 %
10-03-2008 63.4962 - 634962 534.96 %
08-04-2008 61.4818 - 614818 514.82 %
08-05-2008 66.5186 - 665186 565.19 %
09-06-2008 58.543 - 585430 485.43 %
08-07-2008 53.1908 - 531908 431.91 %
08-08-2008 59.3105 - 593105 493.11 %
08-09-2008 58.752 - 587520 487.52 %
08-10-2008 45.7546 - 457546 357.55 %
10-11-2008 42.8566 - 428566 328.57 %
08-12-2008 38.102 - 381020 281.02 %
09-01-2009 39.7377 - 397377 297.38 %
09-02-2009 39.7493 - 397493 297.49 %
09-03-2009 35.952 - 359520 259.52 %
08-04-2009 43.8628 - 438628 338.63 %
08-05-2009 48.8749 - 488749 388.75 %
08-06-2009 62.3628 - 623628 523.63 %
08-07-2009 60.4391 - 604391 504.39 %
10-08-2009 65.0274 - 650274 550.27 %
08-09-2009 71.2663 - 712663 612.66 %
08-10-2009 75.3788 - 753788 653.79 %
09-11-2009 75.4621 - 754621 654.62 %
08-12-2009 76.7685 - 767685 667.68 %
08-01-2010 80.3411 - 803411 703.41 %
08-02-2010 74.1949 - 741949 641.95 %
08-03-2010 78.5451 - 785451 685.45 %
08-04-2010 80.4624 - 804624 704.62 %
10-05-2010 79.2306 - 792306 692.31 %
08-06-2010 76.8107 - 768107 668.11 %
08-07-2010 82.2426 - 822426 722.43 %
09-08-2010 83.7926 - 837926 737.93 %
08-09-2010 86.0786 - 860786 760.79 %
08-10-2010 89.3417 - 893417 793.42 %
08-11-2010 89.3826 - 893826 793.83 %
08-12-2010 80.9122 - 809122 709.12 %
10-01-2011 77.3578 - 773578 673.58 %
08-02-2011 67.8549 - 678549 578.55 %
08-03-2011 67.808 - 678080 578.08 %
08-04-2011 73.3983 - 733983 633.98 %
09-05-2011 69.3409 - 693409 593.41 %
08-06-2011 68.6913 - 686913 586.91 %
08-07-2011 69.1225 - 691225 591.23 %
08-08-2011 60.3585 - 603585 503.58 %
08-09-2011 60.635 - 606350 506.35 %
10-10-2011 56.9537 - 569537 469.54 %
08-11-2011 58.6522 - 586522 486.52 %
08-12-2011 51.0462 - 510462 410.46 %
09-01-2012 47.7632 - 477632 377.63 %
08-02-2012 56.9068 - 569068 469.07 %
09-03-2012 57.6312 - 576312 476.31 %
09-04-2012 56.4081 - 564081 464.08 %
08-05-2012 51.6247 - 516247 416.25 %
08-06-2012 51.667 - 516670 416.67 %
09-07-2012 54.6785 - 546785 446.79 %
08-08-2012 53.8075 - 538075 438.07 %
10-09-2012 51.9375 - 519375 419.37 %
08-10-2012 57.7779 - 577779 477.78 %
08-11-2012 57.1467 - 571467 471.47 %
10-12-2012 59.5355 - 595355 495.36 %
08-01-2013 60.5116 - 605116 505.12 %
08-02-2013 54.397 - 543970 443.97 %
08-03-2013 52.6562 - 526562 426.56 %
08-04-2013 48.0746 - 480746 380.75 %
08-05-2013 51.0499 - 510499 410.5 %
10-06-2013 46.664 - 466640 366.64 %
08-07-2013 44.4373 - 444373 344.37 %
08-08-2013 39.8773 - 398773 298.77 %
10-09-2013 41.5745 - 415745 315.75 %
08-10-2013 42.6162 - 426162 326.16 %
08-11-2013 46.3522 - 463522 363.52 %
09-12-2013 50.0888 - 500888 400.89 %
08-01-2014 48.9983 - 489983 389.98 %
10-02-2014 45.3958 - 453958 353.96 %
10-03-2014 49.9753 - 499753 399.75 %
09-04-2014 55.7712 - 557712 457.71 %
08-05-2014 55.5589 - 555589 455.59 %
09-06-2014 76.8861 - 768861 668.86 %
08-07-2014 75.3549 - 753549 653.55 %
08-08-2014 70.2587 - 702587 602.59 %
08-09-2014 74.0916 - 740916 640.92 %
08-10-2014 69.3822 - 693822 593.82 %
10-11-2014 74.8051 - 748051 648.05 %
08-12-2014 76.712 - 767120 667.12 %
08-01-2015 75.7577 - 757577 657.58 %
09-02-2015 73.1622 - 731622 631.62 %
09-03-2015 77.6421 - 776421 676.42 %
08-04-2015 77.4888 - 774888 674.89 %
08-05-2015 71.206 - 712060 612.06 %
08-06-2015 70.4049 - 704049 604.05 %
08-07-2015 76.1809 - 761809 661.81 %
10-08-2015 79.8136 - 798136 698.14 %
08-09-2015 69.3283 - 693283 593.28 %
08-10-2015 74.1059 - 741059 641.06 %
09-11-2015 71.9325 - 719325 619.33 %
08-12-2015 73.3533 - 733533 633.53 %
08-01-2016 75.665 - 756650 656.65 %
08-02-2016 66.4435 - 664435 564.44 %
08-03-2016 64.8148 - 648148 548.15 %
08-04-2016 67.8122 - 678122 578.12 %
09-05-2016 69.6352 - 696352 596.35 %
08-06-2016 73.1021 - 731021 631.02 %
08-07-2016 76.2039 - 762039 662.04 %
08-08-2016 79.1607 - 791607 691.61 %
08-09-2016 80.9212 - 809212 709.21 %
10-10-2016 78.9199 - 789199 689.2 %
08-11-2016 78.8289 - 788289 688.29 %
08-12-2016 77.3729 - 773729 673.73 %
09-01-2017 79.1717 - 791717 691.72 %
08-02-2017 88.2916 - 882916 782.92 %
08-03-2017 89.1085 - 891085 791.09 %
10-04-2017 100.9 - 1009000 909.0 %
08-05-2017 101.6922 - 1016922 916.92 %
08-06-2017 99.3658 - 993658 893.66 %
10-07-2017 101.7161 - 1017161 917.16 %
08-08-2017 105.005 - 1050050 950.05 %
08-09-2017 108.8343 - 1088343 988.34 %
09-10-2017 108.4173 - 1084173 984.17 %
08-11-2017 113.8916 - 1138916 1038.92 %
08-12-2017 116.609 - 1166090 1066.09 %
08-01-2018 128.4754 - 1284754 1184.75 %
08-02-2018 117.0463 - 1170463 1070.46 %
08-03-2018 114.1774 - 1141774 1041.77 %
09-04-2018 114.6809 - 1146809 1046.81 %
08-05-2018 115.8055 - 1158055 1058.06 %
08-06-2018 106.8165 - 1068165 968.16 %
09-07-2018 100.2279 - 1002279 902.28 %
08-08-2018 101.204 - 1012040 912.04 %
10-09-2018 99.9029 - 999029 899.03 %
08-10-2018 86.9183 - 869183 769.18 %
09-11-2018 96.1817 - 961817 861.82 %
10-12-2018 90.2737 - 902737 802.74 %
08-01-2019 95.6722 - 956722 856.72 %
08-02-2019 87.3061 - 873061 773.06 %
08-03-2019 94.4314 - 944314 844.31 %
08-04-2019 98.1693 - 981693 881.69 %
08-05-2019 95.5355 - 955355 855.35 %
10-06-2019 101.8394 - 1018394 918.39 %
08-07-2019 98.8886 - 988886 888.89 %
08-08-2019 91.9104 - 919104 819.1 %
09-09-2019 90.1739 - 901739 801.74 %
09-10-2019 91.7435 - 917435 817.44 %
08-11-2019 94.3293 - 943293 843.29 %
09-12-2019 92.222 - 922220 822.22 %
08-01-2020 94.4579 - 944579 844.58 %
10-02-2020 98.4883 - 984883 884.88 %
09-03-2020 83.3032 - 833032 733.03 %
08-04-2020 65.471 - 654710 554.71 %
08-05-2020 70.1149 - 701149 601.15 %
08-06-2020 80.6305 - 806305 706.3 %
08-07-2020 86.6783 - 866783 766.78 %
10-08-2020 89.2668 - 892668 792.67 %
08-09-2020 89.2236 - 892236 792.24 %
08-10-2020 87.4485 - 874485 774.48 %
09-11-2020 89.5779 - 895779 795.78 %
08-12-2020 103.2489 - 1032489 932.49 %
08-01-2021 110.3481 - 1103481 1003.48 %
08-02-2021 119.506 - 1195060 1095.06 %
08-03-2021 126.2304 - 1262304 1162.3 %
08-04-2021 124.618 - 1246180 1146.18 %
10-05-2021 125.5857 - 1255857 1155.86 %
08-06-2021 136.1603 - 1361603 1261.6 %
08-07-2021 137.5308 - 1375308 1275.31 %
09-08-2021 140.3838 - 1403838 1303.84 %
08-09-2021 151.0217 - 1510217 1410.22 %
08-10-2021 158.1557 - 1581557 1481.56 %
08-11-2021 163.2757 - 1632757 1532.76 %
08-12-2021 157.6887 - 1576887 1476.89 %
10-01-2022 158.8793 - 1588793 1488.79 %
08-02-2022 153.8106 - 1538106 1438.11 %
08-03-2022 139.873 - 1398730 1298.73 %
08-04-2022 157.4976 - 1574976 1474.98 %
09-05-2022 145.8848 - 1458848 1358.85 %
08-06-2022 143.8396 - 1438396 1338.4 %
08-07-2022 143.0736 - 1430736 1330.74 %
08-08-2022 155.217 - 1552170 1452.17 %
08-09-2022 169.2608 - 1692608 1592.61 %
10-10-2022 166.9761 - 1669761 1569.76 %
09-11-2022 175.7019 - 1757019 1657.02 %
08-12-2022 180.8217 - 1808217 1708.22 %
09-01-2023 174.9648 - 1749648 1649.65 %
08-02-2023 172.7218 - 1727218 1627.22 %
08-03-2023 177.9319 - 1779319 1679.32 %
10-04-2023 178.0682 - 1780682 1680.68 %
08-05-2023 188.8735 - 1888735 1788.74 %
08-06-2023 197.9559 - 1979559 1879.56 %
10-07-2023 205.0947 - 2050947 1950.95 %
08-08-2023 218.6163 - 2186163 2086.16 %
08-09-2023 234.8679 - 2348679 2248.68 %
09-10-2023 231.477 - 2314770 2214.77 %
08-11-2023 235.1135 - 2351135 2251.14 %
08-12-2023 260.2231 - 2602231 2502.23 %
08-01-2024 275.0372 - 2750372 2650.37 %
08-02-2024 299.6181 - 2996181 2896.18 %
11-03-2024 305.7964 - 3057964 2957.96 %
08-04-2024 316.8729 - 3168729 3068.73 %
08-05-2024 323.0613 - 3230613 3130.61 %
10-06-2024 350.6669 - 3506669 3406.67 %
08-07-2024 378.0478 - 3780478 3680.48 %
08-08-2024 361.4274 - 3614274 3514.27 %
09-09-2024 362.574 - 3625740 3525.74 %
08-10-2024 366.3768 - 3663768 3563.77 %
08-11-2024 350.8038 - 3508038 3408.04 %
09-12-2024 366.7313 - 3667313 3567.31 %
08-01-2025 339.8572 - 3398572 3298.57 %
14-01-2025 322.9677 - 3229677 3129.68 %

RETURNS CALCULATOR for Nippon India Power & Infra Fund-Growth Plan -Growth Option

Growth of 10000 In SIP (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Period :
Start :
End :

Growth of 10000 In LUMPSUM (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Start :

Rolling Returns

Rolling returns are the annualized returns of the scheme taken for a specified period (rolling returns period) on every day/week/month and taken till the last day of the duration. In this chart we are showing the annualized returns over the rolling returns period on every day from the start date and comparing it with the benchmark. Rolling returns is the best measure of a fund's performance. Trailing returns have a recency bias and point to point returns are specific to the period in consideration. Rolling returns, on the other hand, measures the fund's absolute and relative performance across all timescales, without bias.



Key Performance and Risk Statistics of Nippon India Power & Infra Fund-Growth Plan -Growth Option

Key Statistics Volatility Sharpe Ratio Alpha Beta Yield to Maturity Average Maturity
Nippon India Power & Infra Fund-Growth Plan -Growth Option 14.88 1.3 8.77 0.99 - -
Equity: Sectoral-Infrastructure - - - - - -

PEER COMPARISION of Nippon India Power & Infra Fund-Growth Plan -Growth Option

Amount :
Start :
End :
Data as on - 14-01-2025
Scheme Name Launch
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Nippon India Power & Infra Fund-Growth Plan -Growth Option 01-05-2004 15.24 36.11 25.48 26.92 15.76
LIC MF Infrastructure Fund-Regular Plan-Growth 29-02-2008 33.74 41.05 26.42 24.96 14.9
BANDHAN Infrastructure Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 08-03-2011 24.8 38.26 23.1 27.06 15.77
Canara Robeco Infrastructure Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option 02-12-2005 23.29 32.78 22.33 26.16 15.02
Invesco India Infrastructure Fund - Growth Option 21-11-2007 21.79 36.62 22.08 27.62 16.28
DSP India T.I.G.E.R. Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 11-06-2004 20.63 34.15 25.42 25.87 15.98
Kotak Infrastructure & Economic Reform Fund - Standard Plan-Growth 25-02-2008 19.67 29.49 22.6 24.94 0.0
ICICI Prudential Infrastructure Fund - Growth 31-08-2005 18.15 32.3 28.36 27.68 15.77
Franklin Build India Fund Growth Plan 04-09-2009 17.05 34.88 24.25 24.87 16.6
HSBC Infrastructure Fund - Regular Growth 01-01-2013 16.83 32.87 20.23 22.99 15.86

PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS of Nippon India Power & Infra Fund-Growth Plan -Growth Option

Asset Allocation (%)

Allocation Percentage (%)

Market Cap Distribution

Small Cap




Large Cap


Mid Cap


